Selaginella erythropus
Ruby Red Selaginella


This Selaginella is native to the Yucatan in Mexico and southward to Columbia SA.  It is not native to Africa as sometimes mentioned but cultivated in Tanzania.

This beautiful and very tropical species is only suitable for greenhouse or terrarium culture.  It might be cool tolerant but not cold tolerant.  It thrives in hot humid conditions and is a decent grower, fast enough that commercial wholesale fern growers are able to mass produce it for the market. 

It is a very popular a terrarium plant, especially with those who keep exotic frogs and salamanders.  The color of this species is unrivaled.  The foliage is dark bluish green with ruby red undersides.  A very nice desirable plant to grow. It is readily available on many websites. I am growing it but at this time I do not have anything to offer.

email me if interested.